家族再統合療法(Reunification therapy)は、壊れてしまった家族の関係の再構築を目的として行われますが、片親疎外によって壊れてしまった親子の関係の再構築には役立たないだけでなく、むしろ、子供の洗脳を強めて、関係をされに悪化させてしまうことがあります。
- はじめに
- 通常のReunification therapyが片親疎外を悪化させる理由の中で実際に当てはまっていたもの
- 1) In general, reunification therapists should not have a therapist-client relationship with the alienating parent.
- 2) In general, reunification therapists should try not to forge a therapeutic alliance with the alienating parent.
- 3) It is never appropriate for a therapist to treat any condition without first evaluating the client(s).
- 4) Cases of parental alienation or even suspected parental alienation are inherently forensic; they require the therapist to have much special expertise, and some of that is forensic they require the therapist.
- 5. One of the worst mistakes a reunification therapist can make is to over empathize with the alienating parent.
- 6. The therapist rule “don’t take sides” isn’t appropriate for parental alienation.
- 7. Most of the techniques used for other types of relationship problem, e.g., marriage counseling, are strikingly ineffective for parental alienation and can be very harmful.
- 8. Reunification therapists should not allow-and should not certainly not encourage-the session to be forum for the children to (A) voice unjustified or delusional opinion; (B) promote the alienation narrative; (C) assert alleged grievance that have no basis in reality; or (D) disrespect or denigrate the target parent.
- 9. Although therapists should not criticize alienating parent in front of the children, they must correct that parent’s inaccurate (alienation) narrative.
- 10. In general, it is not appropriate for a therapist to promote the premise that an alienated child’s cognitive distortions or delusions “are real to [him or her]” and should therefore be “respected” and validated.
- 11. Therapists who work with alienated children and families should create a safe environment in which the child feels free to express positive thoughts and feeling with the previously rejected parent.
- 12. To be successful, reunification therapists may need to adopt an authoritarian approach; they may not only need to set limits, but to mete out consequences.
- 13. Reunification therapists should rarely, if ever, give an alienated child permission to remain silent, or to otherwise not participate, in the therapy sessions.
- 14. Reunification therapists should not further empower the already empowered alienated child.
- 15. In striking contrast, reunification therapists should: (A) disempower the over-empowered child; and (B) re-empower the disempowered parent.
- 16. Reunification therapists should not base their treatment plans-or put undue emphasis-on having the target parent apologize, empathize, or listen better.
- 17. Reunification therapists should not base their treatment plans-or put undue emphasis-on having the target parent improve his or her empathizing, listening, and other parenting skills.
- 18. Proper treatment of parental alienation requires an approach based on a child maltreatment and child protection model. Parental alienation meets standard criteria for psychological and emotional abuse and psychological maltreatment.
- 19. One of the worst mistakes a reunification therapist can make is to fail to recognize serious underlying psychopathology.
- 22. Reunification therapists should not assume that by encouraging, or arranging for, an alienated child to have “positive experiences” with the rejected parent, the child is likely to discard his or her negative beliefs.
- 23. One of the worst mistakes a therapist can make is to fail to honor, or fail to support, an order for protective separation-i.e., a “no contact” order-when such an order is clinically indicated.
- 24. Since traditional reunification therapy has virtually no chance of success, practitioners who provide such therapy are providing futile treatment. Therefore, it is rarely, if ever, appropriate for a therapist to blame the alienated parent for the failure of such therapy.
- 25. Success in therapy should be defined as the restoration of a normal relationship between the child and the parent, not a subjective opinion by the therapist or anyone else that the child is allegedly “making progress”.
- まとめ
通常のReunification therapyが片親疎外を悪化させる理由の中で実際に当てはまっていたもの
1) In general, reunification therapists should not have a therapist-client relationship with the alienating parent.
2) In general, reunification therapists should try not to forge a therapeutic alliance with the alienating parent.
3) It is never appropriate for a therapist to treat any condition without first evaluating the client(s).
4) Cases of parental alienation or even suspected parental alienation are inherently forensic; they require the therapist to have much special expertise, and some of that is forensic they require the therapist.
5. One of the worst mistakes a reunification therapist can make is to over empathize with the alienating parent.
6. The therapist rule “don’t take sides” isn’t appropriate for parental alienation.
7. Most of the techniques used for other types of relationship problem, e.g., marriage counseling, are strikingly ineffective for parental alienation and can be very harmful.
8. Reunification therapists should not allow-and should not certainly not encourage-the session to be forum for the children to (A) voice unjustified or delusional opinion; (B) promote the alienation narrative; (C) assert alleged grievance that have no basis in reality; or (D) disrespect or denigrate the target parent.
9. Although therapists should not criticize alienating parent in front of the children, they must correct that parent’s inaccurate (alienation) narrative.
10. In general, it is not appropriate for a therapist to promote the premise that an alienated child’s cognitive distortions or delusions “are real to [him or her]” and should therefore be “respected” and validated.
11. Therapists who work with alienated children and families should create a safe environment in which the child feels free to express positive thoughts and feeling with the previously rejected parent.
12. To be successful, reunification therapists may need to adopt an authoritarian approach; they may not only need to set limits, but to mete out consequences.
13. Reunification therapists should rarely, if ever, give an alienated child permission to remain silent, or to otherwise not participate, in the therapy sessions.
14. Reunification therapists should not further empower the already empowered alienated child.
15. In striking contrast, reunification therapists should: (A) disempower the over-empowered child; and (B) re-empower the disempowered parent.
16. Reunification therapists should not base their treatment plans-or put undue emphasis-on having the target parent apologize, empathize, or listen better.
17. Reunification therapists should not base their treatment plans-or put undue emphasis-on having the target parent improve his or her empathizing, listening, and other parenting skills.
18. Proper treatment of parental alienation requires an approach based on a child maltreatment and child protection model. Parental alienation meets standard criteria for psychological and emotional abuse and psychological maltreatment.
19. One of the worst mistakes a reunification therapist can make is to fail to recognize serious underlying psychopathology.
20. With few exceptions, it is usually inappropriate-and often catastrophic-to advise an alienated parent to “step back in order to get the child to come to you”
21. In treating parental alienation, it is rarely appropriate to advise that resumption of contact with the alienated parent be done gradually and slowly over time.
22. Reunification therapists should not assume that by encouraging, or arranging for, an alienated child to have “positive experiences” with the rejected parent, the child is likely to discard his or her negative beliefs.
23. One of the worst mistakes a therapist can make is to fail to honor, or fail to support, an order for protective separation-i.e., a “no contact” order-when such an order is clinically indicated.
24. Since traditional reunification therapy has virtually no chance of success, practitioners who provide such therapy are providing futile treatment. Therefore, it is rarely, if ever, appropriate for a therapist to blame the alienated parent for the failure of such therapy.
25. Success in therapy should be defined as the restoration of a normal relationship between the child and the parent, not a subjective opinion by the therapist or anyone else that the child is allegedly “making progress”.
残念ながら、アメリカでも、片親疎外改善のセラピストはとても少ないです。どうしても、通常の家族再統合療法(Reunification therapy)のセラピストしか選択肢がないときがあると思います。